Congratulation to PDP and DPT

As a responsible citizen of Bhutan, I would like to congratulate Hon’ble Tshering Tobgay, President, and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for winning the second democratic election of the National Assembly of Bhutan 2013. I also congratulate the Hon’ble Jigme Y. Thinley, and Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) on their becoming the country’s opposition party.

It is indeed new opportunity for both PDP and DPT, and the people to learn from our past experience and attempt to harvest the fruit of what we have in our hand, and to prove that you are worthy of the crucial roles and that the wishes of the citizens are fulfilled.

The recent experience and turmoil leading to the election have proven the effects of too much dependency on our neighbours and their impacts on the lives of people in particular and politics in general. PDP has a new role not only to ensure that these effects are minimised but also that our relationship with our neighbouring countries, such as India, are strengthen and put above everything.

It was easier to find the loopholes than to appreciate the good things performed in the last five years. Moreover, we did not have anything to compare with; this will change in 2018. DPT having served past 5 years and PDP taking us to next five years as the ruling government, we would have something to compare and contrast in 2018.  We will be watching you very closely for this purpose.

 “Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers” (Aristotle).

With a new change in time – emerging of younger and energetic leaders as the ruling government, and experienced and stronger opposition party, I look forward to our new ruling government and the opposition party to take us to the next level of success in economy development, security and sovereignty of our country, health and wellbeing of the people, and foreign relationships.

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